Friday, January 24, 2014

My Background in Wine (Week 1)

When I think of people who drink wine I think of sophistication, wealth, intelligence and according to Paul Ellington (who's also taking this class), sex. Growing up my family always talked about how much wine is apart of our culture and everyone drank it on special occasions, including me. As a kid, I was not a fan of the taste and didn't understand what people meant by "it's an acquired taste." Because of that I stopped drinking the wine until last year. It all started again at Boudreaux on a hot and sunny Wednesday evening where bottles are half off.

I not only liked the taste but also the fact that I could chug it like water (I can't chug beer or liquor). This element was very intriguing to me even though I don't plan on chugging wine ever again. This interest carried into the summer. One weekend my girlfriend was visiting me in New York City and her parents took us out to some of the best restaurants around. They ordered extremely expensive bottles of wine which tasted delicious. If only I knew what the hell I was drinking. I felt very uneducated, all I knew was I could get wasted fast off this stuff.

I am extremely excited to take this class and learn more about something thats so integrated in our culture and cultures across the world. I want to be able to tell the difference between different wines, what goes well with certain foods and how it is made. Being that I am a finance major, I believe learning more about wine well help me in social settings with colleagues in the future. I am also trying to impress the ladies with my newfound knowledge on wine. Teach me!